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Showing posts from 2015

September Challenge - Nature

The September challenge was to create a card around the theme tie in with Spring here in Australia. Once again some gorgeous cards. The winners were  Glenda and Mary Other entries were Glenda Maralene Glenda Maralene Rhonda Rhonda Thanks girls for your beautiful entries.

August Challenge - Christmas

Hi everyone, Again my apologies for not posting these cards on the blog sooner. Who'd have known that a new puppy would take up so much of my time!! I absolutely love our beautiful little Mika to bits and she has settled in so well with our family, but she has been taking up a fair bit of my time. Well worth every second of it though as I'm sure those of you who have met her agree.  Anyway, our challenge for August was Christmas and I just love the wide variety of cards that were made for this one. I really love seeing what you all come up with and I hope you all had fun making the cards for this one.  Our winners.... well in the beginners section the winner was  Mary In the advanced section the winner was Rhonda Other cards in the beginners section were Rhonda Glenda SM Pat Glenda SM Rhonda Rina Pat Rhonda Glenda SM Pat Rhonda ...

July Challenge - Red, White & Blue

I was thrilled this month to see just as many beginners/intermediate entries in the challenge. Well done all of you and thank you for joining in the fun. The challenge is all about taking you out of your comfort zone and it should be fun. Thank you all for having a go. Sadly there can only be one winner but rest assured that all your cards were enjoyed and voted for. I don't think there was a single card that didn't have a vote! However there can only be one winner in each category and therefore it is my pleasure to announce that the winner in the Beginners is Daphne   this is Daphne's first ever entry, so well done Daphne.  The winner in the Advanced section is Rhonda Well done Rhonda.  Do you all notice a pattern with the winning cards.  Well done girls. You both receive a $20 gift voucher to spend in store.  The other wonderful entries in the Advanced category are these: Sue Sue  Maralene...

June Challenge

The June Challenge was Creative Backgrounds Again everyone put in a mammoth effort and the cards were amazing.   Rhonda - Winner!!! Unfortunately the camera doesn't like the beautiful purple colour that is in this card. This photo does the card no justice at all. Congratulations Rhonda :)  In the Advanced section we had entries by: Rina Pat Maralene Christeene Glenda Sue Pat Rhonda  Maralene Rhonda Sue Sue Rhonda Rhonda Glenda Glenda In the beginners section we had a draw for the win. The old hands behind the back and pick a hand determined the winner. That winner was..... Shirley The other card in the draw was this card by Glenda B First time entry by Lynn :)  Thanks again everyone for entering. Enjoy your vouchers Rhonda and Shirley.